I hail from Ottapalam, a small town in Kerala,India. Here, in this enchanting corner of the world, rain descends from the heavens like liquid poetry, lush greenery cradles every corner, and an ethereal aura casts a spell that is both captivating and profoundly healing.


This website serves as a reference point for all my initiatives. Here, you'll find a collection of my work, a digital canvas where I showcase my creative endeavors.


Technology is possibility, when led by heart

Like many engineers, my journey into coding didn't begin in the classroom. After hating my programming career for years, I accidentally discovered its power one day. The moment I felt like a creator bestowed with magical powers.

To me, programming embodies an artistic expression, sculpting boundless possibilities from the void. On my blog, I delve into my diverse experiments and projects, alongside reflections on both timeless and cutting-edge technologies.


An Orophile Couple


Every now and then, we find time to slip into our sacred space.

My husband and I love to hike, travel and explore lesser-known places. I've got a secret ingredient to add to our adventures: a love for exploring diverse cuisines! While my husband's taste buds stick to the basics, I'm on a flavor-filled quest to conquer every dish on the menu!

We consider ourselves fortunate to have trekked and summited mountains across three continents and aspire to scale even more majestic summits in the future


My Projects

Digital Products

Few resources to help techies. Materials curated from my own experience

Tweet Scheduler

Schedule tweets. Supports image, video, gif media types. Also converts text to Image


A growing list of Java apps (Mostly springboot) built as a proof-of-concept


Passionpreneurs CookBook-When I Interviewed Popular Passionpreneurs


From Tech to Travel to Random Thoughts

Mini Tutorial

5 part video series on blockchain

I'm your mad scientist of projects and humor is my favorite experiment!

If you have an exciting project in mind or wish to collaborate, I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out, and let's bring your ideas to life together.